1. Deadlift – 5 reps @ 80% of Max.
-Must use negative. If you need to do singles scale the weight. 3’s and 2’s are fine. Follow the weight down on the final rep as well
2. 7 Strict Deficit HSPUs
– Choose a challenging where you can do 7 within a minute. Does not need to be 7 ion a row. Can’t do strict deficit? try kipping deficit.
3. Rest
30/20 Calorie Bike Each
Partner is accumulating as many Muscle-ups as possible
30 Wallballs Each
Partner is accumulating as many Toes to Bar as possible
30 Calories Rower Each
Partner is accumulating as many Ring Dips as possible
100 Double Unders each
Partner is accumulating as many Chest to Bar Pull-ups as possible
SCORE = total time and total reps
ADV – Heavy Rope