For those of you that selected pay in person, please make sure you do so before Saturday.
Saturday’s Itinerary
Volunteers and Judges arrive- 8am
Judges Meeting 8:15am- 8:25 Cover all standards for first 3 workouts
Volunteer/Judges gathering– 8:30– Will cover more details about the day’s flow
Athlete Briefing 8:30am– Cover all standards for first 3 wods
Opening announcements- 8:50am
WOD 1 Start-9:00am
WOD 2 Start- 10:30am
WOD 3 Start- 11:45am
BBQ Begins- 1:00pm
**There will be a final WOD for the top 6 men and top 6 RX women following the third WOD**
Click here to see your heat assignments and stations for WODs 1-3.
Athletes you must be present at the 8:30 athlete briefing to compete. We will be covering all of the standards then. Thanks!
Event 1
7 minutes to establish 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Event 2
5 Rounds
10 Front Squats (135,95)
30 Double Unders
Level 2 (115,65), 15 Double Unders
Level 1 (95,45), 60 Singles
Event 3
One time through
400m Run
30 Pull-ups
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
30 Burpees
30 Kettlebells Swings (2,1.5)
200m Sandbag run
Level 2 (1.5,1)- Blue band
Level 1 (1,.25)- Green band or jumping
Clean and Jerk
5 minutes AMRAP
Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP
5 Clap Push-ups
10 air squats
Rest 1 minute
3 minute AMRAP
6 jack knives
12 lateral barbell jumps
L2/L1 Hand Release Push Ups