New Winter Gear

Practice makes perfect...

We got a lot of new CrossFit Southie gear! We will start selling the items on Thursday to members. We just need to get everything sorted and organized before doing so. Everything came out awesome, you will all love it!

*Schedule Update* – There will be no Saturday or Sunday classes as we will be hosting the Garage Games. Please come out and support your fellow Southie competitors! Friday we will be running a reduced schedule at night as we prepare for the event.  There will be no classes in Southie Green Friday night and the 630pm Friday Southie Orange Class is canceled. L1/L2 athletes are strongly encouraged to attend the Southie Orange night classes on Friday.

Front Squat

12 Minute AMRAP
15 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Double Unders

L2 – 15 double unders
L1 – 15 double under attempts