THIS Friday, March 11th: Have a Beer with Redline Gear @ 16.3 Friday Night Lights!
We are pumped to have REDLINE GEAR sponsoring this event. They’re inviting everyone to “Have a Beer with Redline Gear!” … that’s right. They’re bringing kegs. So come on down, do the workout and celebrate after, or don’t do the workout and just cheer your friends on. You’ll have a chance to shop for all of Redline’s newest and best gear. Sammy Sprinkles will be in the DJ Booth again, back by popular demand. You don’t want to miss this event!
General classes will be cancelled on Friday evening in lieu of the event. Everyone is welcome to participate in Friday Night Lights, regardless of whether or not you are signed up for the Open. Like last time, we will ask that you stick around to judge one heat of the workout after you complete your workout. We appreciate the help! We hope to see you all there to celebrate the halfway mark of the 2016 Open!
To reserve your spot at Friday Night Lights, please click HERE.
Sunday, March 20th: St. Patty’s Day Murph
Due to the parade and the madness that ensues South Boston on Parade Day, classes will be at 8am and 830am with a social immediately following at the box. We encourage everyone to come and participate and if you are willing and able, bring some food/booze to the social. We will be closing up shop after the brunch to make our way out to the parade. Post to comments if you are able to make it and will be contributing to the social.
Skill WOD
3 Rounds (Not for Time)
10 GHD Sit ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Pistols
ADV- 15 GHD Sit ups, 10 Strict Ring Dips, 10 Weighted or Overhead Pistols
1065m Run (2 loops)
10 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5,1)
30 Double Unders
800m Run
20 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings
40 Double Unders
600m Run
30 Burpees
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
Level 2- 800-600-400, 1/2 Double Unders,
Level 1- 600-400-200, singles 10-15-20 Burpees, 10-20-30 Swings