Part I, II – CompetitorWOD


1000m Row
Shoulder rolling and Stretching
-Warm-up deadlift starting with light weight until you find where you want to start for the strength

5 Rounds Altenating with a Partner:
5 Deficit Strict HSPUs
3 Deadlifts – ascending but start heavy
1 Legless L-sit rope climb

WOD – Part 1
3 Rounds
500m Row
15 Burpee Lateral Jumps
15 Power Snatches (115,80)
Then Max UB Muscle-ups
Rest 2 Minutes

Report Total Muscle-ups and Total Time
If you can’t complete sets of muscle-ups. Accumulate as many as you can in 90 seconds

WOD – Part 2
Establish a 1 RM OHS from the Rack
– You will have 8 Minutes after your last Muscle-up