Warm Up
3 Rounds
5 Deadhang pull-ups
7 Push-ups
10 Air Squats
-Spend 10 minutes stretching shoulders and hips
1. Strict press 3-3-3
2. Push-press 2-2-2
3. Front Squat 3-3-3
*Our apologies with the confusion with the programming. The EMOM was changed last week but never got changed on the website. On Friday you will be working up to a 1RM Snatch. If you did the EMOM today you can do today’s strength on Friday if you choose. *
Partner WOD
One partner works through and entire round while the other rests:
16 minute AMRAP
3 Squat Cleans (155,105)
6 Clapping Push-ups
9 Toes to bar
Score = total rounds
Games (225,155)
Regional (185,135)
Open (155,105)