This year we will be offering an 8 week paleo challenge leading up to the CrossFit Open. There will be a $20.00 buy in for the paleo challenge and this money will be given to the winners! Please sign up at the desk if you are interested in particpating.The official start date for the challenge is January 8th, which is a Sunday. The week leading up to the start of the challenge: Tuesday the 3rd-Sat the 7th will be our benchmark and preparation time. If you are a 2x/week member and are participating in the challenge, you are welcome to come for an extra day to complete all of three of your benchmarks. Here is what to expect that week:
Tuesday, January 3rd
- 7PM Lecture in the back of Southie Green on the Paleo diet and the Challenge Details
Wednesday, January 4th
- 1 RM Clean and Jerk
- Baseline measurements (weight, circumferences, and picture) AM- Christina, PM- Amy
Thursday, January 5th
- “Christine” 3 rounds 500m row, 12 BodyWeight Deadlifts, 21 Box Jumps
- 7 PM Paleo-zone lecture and details about involving the method to the challenge
If you cannot come one of these days you can make it up on Friday at some point or during the open gym on Saturday. We will be using the online tracking system that we used during the 30 day challenge again. During the 8 week challenge you will get 100 points at the beginning of each week. Every time that you cheat you will subtract 5 points/serving. You will earn +3 points back for WODing or doing an equally worthy workout, such as running, biking, swimming, hiking, ect. You will also earn +3 points for doing 20 minutes of mobility in addition to what is done in class. Taking the mobility class, yoga, and massage visits do count! The idea is to stay at or above 100 points each week. Even if you have one bad week, you start with a fresh 100 the next! The winners will be decided looking at the final point total, measurments, and the benchmark WODs.
There will be a paleo challenge sign up sheet on the desk. If you are interested in participating please try to sign up before the end of the month. Get excited! $20 entry fee if you want to be included in consideration in the prize pool.
Power Snatch
5 Rounds
10 Power Snatches (75,55)
7 Overhead Squats
4 Snatch Balances
L2 (65/45) / L1 (55/35) – 5 rounds of 10 Power Snatches & 10 Overhead Squats
ADV (95/65)