Ascending To The Weekend


Outdoors Primarily

Complimentary PT Screening

Carly Stote will be hosting Complimentary 15 minute Physical Therapy Screenings on Saturday from 7:20-9:40am. Sign up through our google sheet link  or email [email protected]

Physical therapy screenings are performed on those who may have pain, tightness, mobility limitations, and/or weakness. These screenings include basic tests that measure range of motion, motor control, strength, & flexibility. Based on these findings, the physical therapist will give you an opinion on the best path of treatment.

Warm Up
8:00 EMOM

1. 80 Singles Alternating Feet
2. 8 KB Strict Press Negative Right Side (3 second descent/1 second explode up)
3. 60 Double Unders or 100 Singles
4. 8 KB Strict Press Negative Right Side (3 second descent/1 second explode up)

Then With KB

2 Rounds
-10 Alternating Russian Single Arm Swings
-10 Windmill
-10 Halo
– 6 Arm Bar Stretch

Shoulder Rolling
Quad Rolling and Stretching

2 Strict Presses

Rest 1 Minute

3 Push Presses

12 Minute Ascending AMRAP
5 Kettlebell Swing 1.5|1
20 Double Unders
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115|75

10 Kettlebell Swing 1.5|1
40 Double Unders
10 Shoulder to Overhead 115|75

15 Kettlebell Swing 1.5|1
60 Double Unders
15 Shoulder to Overhead 115|75

20 Kettlebell Swing 1.5|1
80 Double Unders
20 Shoulder to Overhead 115|75

Level 2 – 95|55, 1|0.75
Level 1 – 7535, 0.75|.5
ADV – Get more reps

Extra Work
Ski 40|30 cals*
3 Rope Climbs**
Ski 30|22 Cals
2 Rope Climbs
Ski 20|15 Cals
1 Rope Climb

Rest 5 Mins

Repeat in Reverse Order

*sub 800-400-200m Run
**sub strict pull ups – 15-10-5

ADV – Pegboards or Legless