Training Smart is Cool.

Don't Mess With TINA MO
Don’t Mess With TINA MO

Ok toasties, it’s time to discuss training smart. Now this is not aimed torward any one of you personally, it is an issue that needs to be addressed across the board. The reason it is a requirement for BT’s to be unlimted members is because it is a 5-day program. Right now it is a program geared towards making strength gains. After this 6 weeks is over many of the accessory movements will not resurface for a long time because we will be working on other things. The 5 days each week are following a template to maximize strength gains, and missing one day is going to be eliminating either a squat, press, pull, or dynamic strength day.

We understand that everyone has their own stuff going on and different schedules, this is not a job- it’s play! We totally get that, and if you miss a day you miss a day, oh well. BUT what doesn’t sit well with us is becoming rundown, injured, sore, and weaker. Thus, please don’t alternate between burnt toast and class WODs, and/or do the class WOD after doing the burnt toast WOD.

General CrossFit programming is awesome because it is random, and because it is random you can show up any day at any time and have a great workout. If you are really sore the next day it’s not a big deal because you will most likely be doing something different from the day before. No matter what you are guaranteed to get in a good sweat. However, the time domains for the class WODs are much longer than what is perscribed during the current strength program. The higher rep count and the longer time domain will hurt your body’s ability to make the strength gains. Yes, your work capacity will suffer temporarily but we are focusing on the big picture.

If you are feeling blue because you want more conditioning, then add in some sprint intervals on either the rower or running. HIgh Intensity Interval Training is the best way to get in some “cardio” without compromising recovery or losing power.

Supplemental work is still encouraged if you have the time to work on your goats and your Oly technique. As long as you are not exhausting yourself. This strength program is very high volume and requires a lot of energy and power. If done correclty you should be like Kara and falling asleep in your towel after showering post training….haha. And when you are not training instead of adding more volume, spend the time mobilizing and keeping your tissues healthy.

We are not trying to suck out the fun out of your training, we just want what is best for you. Maximize your time during these next 4 weeks, get strong, stay healthy, listen to your body, and train smart.

Complete the following in any order:
10 strict toes to bar
10 strict hspus
10 ghd mb situps
10 clap push ups
10 deadhang L-Pull ups
10 prone cobras

Speed Strength/Strength
Press dynamic – 10×3 banded strict press. Rest no more than 1 minute between sets. Choose a challenging weight that doesn’t deteriorate form over time. Rest no longer than a minute

Hang Muscle Snatch – 4-3-2-1

Hang Power Snatch – 4-3-2-1

WOD – 12 Min Hard Cap
21 GHD MB Sit Ups (20/14)
15 Snatches (Power or Squat)
9 Burpee up and over the pull up bar

Games (165/100)
Regional (155/95); burpee bar muup
Open (145/90); burpee deadhang c2b

Ca$h Out
1 set of max c2b Pull Ups
Tabatta Push Ups