Congrats to the ladies on completing there team Tri last weekend!
Warm-up – 10 minutes
10 downward cross chops in each direction
5 windmills each arm
5 turkish get ups at a challenging weight each arm alternating arms
5 arm bar stretches each arm
10 upward cross chops in each direction
Strength – 25 minutes
Press – 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press – 3-3-3-3
Push Jerk – 5-5-5.
WOD – 15 minute hard cap
Complete three rounds of:
5 Muscle-ups
5 Deficit handstand push-ups
Then, 25 Overhead walking lunges
Games (160, 100) axle; paralettes to an abmat
Regional (135, 85); 2 plates to an abmat
Open (115, 75); 15 Ring dips; 1 plate to an abmat
Ca$h Out – Accessory Work – 10 minutes
a. weighted strict pull up x 8
b. weighted strict dip x 8
* go immediately from set a to set b, choose a weight where you can do 3-5 off the bat. Come down as many times as need be but don’t move on until you get all 8. Perform 3 sets