Hyatt, don’t leave!
3 Rounds not for time
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 BB Overhead Squats
25 Double Unders
-Spend 5 minutes on shoulder mobility
odd- 3 Muscle Snatches
even- 2 Tall Snatches
-Use a chanllenging weight on the muscle snatch. Use something that you are able to focus on technique for the snatch balance
Overhead Squat
4 Rounds
UB Reps
5 Pull-ups
4 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3 Bar Muscle-ups
14 Front Rack Lunges (135,95)
50 Double Unders
The pull-ups/bar muscle-ups
are meant to be done as a complex. The whole complex is meant to be completed unbroken. Every time you break up a set for the complex, lunges, and double unders, complete 10 burpees on the spot or you can start the set over.
Regional- 4-3-1
Open- 5 pull-ups 5 chest to bar pull-ups (115,80)