1000m row
100 dubs
Go through skills and then load bars and warm up movements.
Skills – 10 minutes
Rope climbs – those that have the footwork locked down and can get up in 2or 3 pulls, work on an l-sit climb seated from the floor. Also work on legless climbs.
Muscle Up – efficiency (hollow body position getting hips to the rings before turning over) or transitions to get your first muup
WOD 1 – 20 minute hard cap
7/5 Muscle-ups 50 Double-unders 40 Axle Bar Deadlifts (155/105)
7/5 Muscle-ups 50 Double-unders 30 Axle Bar Front squats (155/105)
7/5 Muscle-ups 50 Double-unders 20 Axle Bar Shoulder to overhead (155/105)
7/5 Muscle-ups 50 Double-unders 10 Axle Bar Thrusters (155/105)
*scale as necessary
Rest 10 minutes
WOD 2 – 20 minute hard cap
2 Rounds
750m Row
4/3 Rope Climbs
Rest EXACTLY 1 minute
600m Run
3/2 Rope Climbs
Rest EXACTLY 1 minute
*scale as necessary