Turkish Tuesday


Warm Up
400M Run

2 Rounds with KB
-10 One Arm Alternating Swing
-10 Windmill (5 Per Side)
-10 Halo in each direction
-10 Goblet Squat with 2 Second Pause
-10 Arm Bar Stretch (5 Per Side)

Turkish get-up
2x 5 each side
Increase weight 2nd round if able

20 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
400m Run
20 Back Squats (155,105)
400m Run
40 Toes to Bar
400m Run
20 Back Squats
400m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings

Level 3- (135,95)
Level 2- (115,75)
Level 1 – (95,65)

RX is from the the floor, but you are welcome to use a rack.

Extra Work
3 Rounds
10 Sandbag Over Shoulder (140/90)
50’ Handstand Walk
2:00 Rest

ADV- 150/100 and 100’ HSW
Scaled- Weight as needed and HSW Attempts or 3 Wall Climbs per round