Tuesday Special – CFS

– Tabata: Row
Rest 1 minute
– Tabata: Bottom to Bottom Squats

Choose from the weights below and complete 4 sets for max Reps

a. 185/125 +10/5lbs
b. 165/115+ 10/5lbs
c. 135/95 + 10/5lbs
d. 115/75 +5lbs
e. 75/35 +5lbs

Increase in weight for the 4 sets by the number indicated under your letter option. If you re-dip under the bar (push jerk) your set is over. Report your letter and total reps to the white board

40 Calorie Row
20 Hang Power Cleans (115,75)
40 Calorie Row
20 Hang Squat Cleans
40 Calorie Row
20 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

Level 2- 95,55
Level 1- 75,35

Skills Class @ 7pm
** Double Unders **