Due to a lack of interest in the Strength/Oly class and an obvious demand for more CrossFit after work classes, we have decided to switch the 7PM Monday/Wednesday, strength/Oly classes to All Levels classes. Obviously, there are loyal followers of the strength/Oly program and they are welcome to use the 7pm time slot, in addition to other non-prime time gym hours, to continue their supplementary training but we are no longer going to offer it as a coached class. We are working as coaches to come up with programming for those wishing to make progress in CrossFit specialties. For those of you that would be interested in a strength. Olympic lifting or endurance bias please let us know as we would like to hear the amount of interest from you! Lastly, the Thursday 2PM competitor WOD has been switched to Friday’s same time.
Pistols (each leg)
Ball ups (scale T2B or K2E)
*10 minute cap*
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
100m run
10 KB SDHP (2/1.5)
L2 (1.5/1)
L1 (1.5/1); 5 SDHPs
Please don’t let this WOd turn into a 15 minute AMRAP, start each round on the minute. Take a minute off when necessary. For every minute taken off you must do 100m run at the end of the WOD.. 4 minutes off = 400m.