Old School Crossfit Video – The Bear Complex
Front Squat
Bear Complex (155, 105)
Double Unders x20
Level 3- 135, 95
Level 2 115,80 Level 1 95,45
ADV- 175, 120
3 Rounds
20 Sit-ups
30 Hollow rocks
Conditioning Class: WOD
EMOM until unable to complete
100m Run + 8 Burpees
L3 – 6 Burpees
L2 – 4 Burpees
L1 – 3 Burpees
*If you fail before the 10 minute mark, take 1 full minute off & reduce the number of burpees, then continue on.
Conditioning Class: Midline
With a kettlebell
2 Rounds
10 Cross Chops each side
20 Side Bends per side
30 Weighted Sit ups
Rest as needed between rounds.