Goals & Achievements


Tickets are selling fast for New Years! Make sure that you reserve yours today.


We have had a lot of people really getting after it recently. There seems to be a constant refreshing of the leader board in Southie Orange and I feel like the achievements board in Green has something new on it every day. This is just plain old awesome!

We have refreshed the goals board in Green, in other words it has been wiped clean. If you have a new goal, or an old goal you have yet to fully pounce on and destroy, feel free to write them up on that nice fresh space. As always keep writing those achievements up there when you crush a goal.

I noticed a number of goals up there that had some cobwebs and experiation dates that were way past due with no correspoding achievement. CrossFit is all about goals and we have an awesome community when it comes to tracking progress and setting goals. If you are stuck on a goal and seem to not be making the progress you want on getting closer to it, feel free to ask one of the trainers or especially your Guardian coach for advice on how to get there. Its what we are here for!!

Recent achievements:
Brett hit a 215# OHS
Tarca got 315 on a deadlift
Jascha deadlifted 300
The Amazing Prug snatched 165
Mooch got his goal of 20 consecutive Double Unders
Leann backsquatted 135…BY 3!!
Sarah P OHS 165 and otherwise took over #1 on basically every strength leaderboard
Lil John OHS 200
Tim Whisler is squatting everything with an OHS of 165 and BS of 255 for 3
Amy Cleary got her name up on the leaderboard for the CF total and thrustered 120
Andrea thrustered 140
Arik 175 OHS
And lets not forget Lenny, TK, and Julie Aaahhtha getting their first muscle ups!!!

Keep working on attaining those goals and making new ones to hit as the new year approaches!! What better new years resolution than a BW OHS, or an unassisted pullup, or a first muscle up, or a….


20 Minute AMRAP
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
10 Toes to Bar