Member/patron reviews are a great way for businesses to take a hard look at their strengths and weaknesses. There is nothing wrong with constructive feedback; there are always things that a business can improve on.
In our situation, sometimes people give reviews based on their personal stance towards CrossFit, instead of CrossFit Southie as an establishment. Last week I noticed two 1-star reviews on Facebook, so naturally I did some investigating. I found that both people live out of state, one of them out of of the country. Neither had ever been here before. Having 1-star reviews will really hurt your overall rating. Being a big gym in a major city, with lots of social media exposure, means we are always going to be more victim to the internet trolls compared to smaller boxes. That’s something we have learned to live with, even though it is very annoying. I think that the amount of space we have, the number of classes we offer, Chuck’s jokes, and Goose’s hair earns us at least 2 stars!
Anyways, we want our Facebook page to reflect honest reviews from our community. If you have not liked our page yet, please do! We post a lot of information and updates via our page, so it is a great way to stay connected. If you have never reviewed CFS via our Facebook page, please do! It only takes 2 seconds. Just choose a star rating (you can click 1-5) and it will also give you the option to write something but it is not a requirement.
Thank you for helping in our effort to trump the trolls!
Back Squat
3 Rounds
200m Sprint
10 Squat Cleans (135,95)
100m Sprint
12 Burpee Lateral jumps
Level 3 (115,75)
Level 2 (95.55)
Level 1 (75,35)
Conditioning Class: WOD
6 Rounds:
In 3 minutes complete:
250m Row
AMRAP double unders
Rest 1 minute.
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
30 seconds Isometric Back Extension hold on GHD*
30 seconds rest
*Add weight if able