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Stephen Murphy
- Which classes you currently coach? Mondays 7AM and 8AM
- How long have you been involved in CrossFit? I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2011 and coaching since 2018.
- What is your favorite part of being a CrossFit Coach? Watching someone accomplish something they’ve never done before, be it skill development or hitting a PR is truly amazing.
- What is your favorite WOD and Movement? Either Grace or Nate, both are super fun workouts.
- Tell us your athletic background! I grew up playing football and baseball with some extreme sports mixed in. Then I transitioned to Ultimate Frisbee and Rugby in college.
- Give us a small piece of advice for newbies and/or veteran athletes Continuing to show up will yield some pretty magnificent results.
- Any fun facts that most people don’t know about you? I’m quite the nerd and have a spreadsheet of all the concerts I’ve attended (over 180 to date).