Will WOD for Boobs!


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and CrossFit Southie is supporting the cause! We’ve got some limited edition pink t-shirts and sweatshirts available, with all proceeds going to the Susan G. Comen fund. There are two different styles of t-shirts available in both men’s and women’s cuts, as well as some pink women’s hoodies. T-shirts are on sale for $5 and hoodies for $15. Stop by the desk to pick one up before they’re gone. WOD in your pink proudly!

Squat Therapy

Front Squat

10 Minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar

3 minutes of hollow rocks (true hollow rocks) or hollow hold
Every time they need to rest flip into superman

L2 – 15 Dubs
L1 – 50 singles