Fuel Bar Reminder
Just a reminder, products from the fuel bar can now be charged to your account! This includes Rx Bars, SFH protein packets, Kill Cliff, Fuel for Fire, and water. To charge an item to your account, please just fill out the log sheet at the desk in Southie Green. Charges from the fuel bar will be processed monthly with your regular membership dues. If you have any questions, please just let us know.
Southie Swag
Good news.. the CrossFit Southie Store has been restocked! All of your favorite t-shirts and tank tops are now back in stock… including the highly-sought after “Forged in Boston” t-shirts. Swing by the desk to pick up some new swag before it’s gone again!
September Bootcamp
Semptember Bootcamp is just around the corner! The next session will begin on September 3 and run through the 29th. If you’ve got friends who are on the fence about CrossFit, this 4-week bootcamp would be a great way to introduce them to the CrossFit Southie community. This is a community-based, high energy, circuit-style conditioning workout without the use of barbells or high skill gymnastics. This program is more challenging than your average bootcamp, but less intense than CrossFit. The primary focus is on conditioning through running, rowing, and calisthenics, along with the use of kettlebells, medicine balls, sleds, tires, and bodyweight movements. Tell your friends! For more details and to sign up, click here.
3 Rounds each for time
5 Muscle-ups
10 Deadlifts (315,205)
15 Burpees
800m Run
Rest 3 minutes
Level 3 (275,185), 2 Muscle-ups
Level 2 (225,145), 15 Ring dips
Level 1 (155,95), 15 Ring Dips
“Rowing Tosh”
3 Rounds:
Row 250m
Row 500m
Row 750m
Rest 1:1
With a medball:
Alternating Tabata
-Russian Twists
-Jack Knives