Time Crisis


Hey Burnt Toasties! We know many of you are probably antsy after yesterday’s unscheduled rest day. We just wanted to give you a heads up that today’s BT WOD (14.2) will be tomorrow’s general class WOD. If you were planning on coming to the gym on Thursday to make up for a missed day, we’d recommend hitting the general class WOD today and then doing Open WOD 14.2 tomorrow with general classes as well. 

3 Rounds
8 Ring rows
16 shoulder taps
Row 200 m
Spend 5 -7 minutes mobilizing the shoulders

Open WOD 14.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95,65)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

Masters 65,45 Chin-over-bar pull-ups

Rest 1:1
-1000m Row
-750m Row
-500m Row