Unless you have been living under a rock, you would know that CFS is getting bigger…. again! There has been lots of excitement and questions over the expansion and I am going to give you a quick update and fill you in on what to expect.
We are taking 3,300 sq ft of the old CES space, which is connected to Southie Green and sandwiched between Green and Orange. This space will become known as the “Toaster” and will give a new home to our competitor program (“Burnt Toast”) during busier hours. The Toaster will also be the new home for the front desk, a coaches/admin office and a brand spanking new Zen-like massage room (away from the noise most of the day). Amongst other things, the toaster will have a fat pull up bar, specialty equipment and actual miss-able targets for wall balls.
Instead of the entire wall coming down, a pass through will exist between the spaces and will be located where the current desk sits. This will keep the spaces connected while eliminating most of the commotion during competing class hours.
In Southie HQ, the space where the GHD’s are located, we are eliminating the back wall and taking on an additional l 1,700 sq ft. Included in the 1700, is a closed off-soon to be mobility safe haven/pain cave. No longer will you have to worry about barbells flying at you while you social WOD. We will also have a mounted TV in the cave which will be linked to apple tv. This will allow for reviewing any lifts recorded during your platform session, watching videos from the CrossFit journal or just checking out some funny YouTube videos with your buddies.
With the wall down, HQ will mirror the other side of the pillars in the original Green space (side with the bathroom). With the additional sq footage in HQ and the toasties and desk in their new home, a lot of breathing room will be created. The plan is to run a class on each side of the pull up structure to separate classes even further by ability level and allow for more personal attention.. Classes in these spaces will range from Rx/L2 to L2/Rx to L1/L2 and will also include All Levels. Rx class programming will grow to include more high skill movements and technical lifts, while L1 classes will be more emphasized on teaching fundamentals with less highly technical movements. You will truly be able to graduate from one level to the next if that is your goal or you can remain comfortably wherever you like to be. You may have already noticed the recent changes in the google calendar. These changes will be put in place as we open up the new space and have the extra space to take advantage of. Orange classes will take place in Orange, the light green shaded classes on the calender in HQ, darker Green in the original Southie Green, Brown will be in the toaster. Blue classes are free classes and will take place somewhere in green.
That’s not all, lets move to the original Southie Green space. We are tearing down the current bathrooms and massage room and rebuilding bigger and better bathrooms in their current location. Bathrooms will include separate facilities for men and women, each with showers and multiple stalls, as well as ample room to change. The only downside, is we will have to deal with port-a-johns in the short term but it will be well worth it. The drop ceiling is also coming down, which will add to that barebones/warehouse effect and allow for more room for wallballs, etc…
Finally, throughout the facility we are adding exhaust fans to kick out hot air in the summer and allow for more airflow and a cooler facility. We are also adding a professional sound system that will have different sound zones and will pump noise! We are also planning on adding an Olympic Lifting program 2x/week.
Between all the spaces we will amass 15,000 total sq feet making us easily one of the largest boxes in the country. We are extremely excited to continue to grow the community and help you all grow as athletes. All of this set to be done by sometime in October. Please stay patient and get excited!
Midline Madness
45s at each station/15s rest x 2
and rotate
Hollow Rocks
Dragon Flags
Plank ups
Weighted Sit-Up
Pistol-ADV weighted
5 Rounds
Row 500m
Run 400m
Rest Exactly 2 minutes
75 sit-ups for time