High Five & Dive


3 Rounds
15|10 Cal Row
10 Single Leg Touchdowns
10 Plank Ups
5 KB Windmills

Shoulder Mash
Box Stretching

2 Rounds
40s On| 20s Off
1. Plank Walks – around the box with toes on the box
2. Box Crunches
3. Hollow Rocks
4. Single Leg V-ups

E5MOM 20
20|15 Calorie Row
20 Box Jumps 24|20
20 Kettlebell Swings 1.5|1
20 Sit-ups

Level 2- 15 Reps (15|12 Calorie Row)
Level 1 – 10 Reps
ADV – 2|1.5, GHDs

Extra Work
For time:
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
Time cap: 27 min.

*Scale to 1 mile or 800m runs if short on time. Toes2Bar should be no more then 3 sets and 1 set for fire breathers. Scale accordingly.