*Water is fully functional. Also, Natalie has some Massage hours open this upcoming Saturday and Monday if anyone is interested.*
Another month (and some change) down and more athletes from CrossFit Southie straight up crushing it all over the place. Congrats on all the hard work and keep KILLINIT.COM!!!
9/10 – Big Lebo 10 double unders
9/20 – Julie 200lb deadlift
9/20 – Leases Red band pull-up
9/22 – Tara FIRST EVERR no band pull up (smiley face)
9/22 – Lil John first unassisted pull up
9/23 – Big Lebo kipping pull ups
9/25 – Amy C 20 inch box jumps in a WOD
10/2 – Coach Alec 250lb clean and jerk (smiley face)
10/9 – Joe Shamon 275lb back squat
10/10 – Joe Shamon 160lb press
10/11 – 105lb weighted pull up
10/12 – Wheeler 1st unassisted pull up
10/13 – Big Lebo 5:46 mile
10/15 – Brett 215 lb clean
10/21 – Mooch 15 linked kipping pull ups
10/21 – Rita handstand push up
10/21 – Shannon 1st unassisted pull up
10/24 – Sarah P 155lb push jerk
10/24 – Lil John 225lb push jerk
10/28 – Stephanie 9 unbroken double unders
10/29 – Sarah P 5 Handstand push ups
6 Rounds
5 SA snatches each arm (1.5/1)
10 Box jumps (28,24)
L2 – (1/25lbs) (24/20)
L1 (25lbs/18lbs) (24/20)
ADV – (2/1.5)