Double Benchmark: “Diane” & “Annie” – CFS

#TBT - First Responders
#TBT – First Responders

Going forward 2e will be switching up the benchmark day from week to week instead of always having them solely on Thursdays.  Time to get those boards filled up.  

Double Under
Handstand Push-up

Deadlifts (225,155)
Handstand Push-ups

Level 2- 185,115
Level 1- 135, 95, Standard Push-ups

Rest 7 Minutes

Double Unders

Scores/Comments of Diane from 4/30 – 2015

Conditioning Class: WOD
Parking Lot Suicide Sprints x 8
Rest 90 seconds between efforts

Wear a watch/stop watch. Record each split. Stay as consistent as possible.

Conditioning Class: Core
4 Rounds
20 Alternating Plank Knee to Elbow
20 Alternating Lying Toe Touches
20 Alternating Russian Twists