* Weekend Schedule* – There will be a normal schedule on Friday July 1st and Saturday July 2nd except no Advanced Class Saturday AM. We will have a reduced schedule on Sunday July 3rd and July 4th. There will only be one 10am All Levels CrossFit class on each of these days led by Coach Nick. We are going to have Yoga on Sunday but are moving it to 11am. Everything is updated on the schedule tab. We will back to a normal schedule on Tuesday.
*Chuck is in Germany for a few weeks, until his return we are going to replace the 7pm Oly Class with an All Levels Class led by Coach Berretta. Nick will be heading the Wednesday night 7:30 All Levels class in Chucks absence.*
Also, the summer is upon us and a lot of you are vacationing. We have put together a page of Travel WODs that will help you get your daily dose of CrossFit without any equipment. The link can be found in the right sidebar under INFO.
Power Snatch
Power Snatch (95, 65)
Wall Balls (24/20)
Pull Ups
Adv – C2b
L2 (80/50)
L1 (65/35)