Due to unseasonably warm weather you can sub 100m run for the double unders today to get outside. Come on in!
Snatch Positions 101 – Learn Em!
From the Floor – The barbell is set up over the mid foot and the athlete brings his shins to the bar. all the weight of the athlete rests in the midfoot not in the heels. Shoulders are in line with the hips and slightly in front of the bar.
Mid Shin – 2 inches off floor – athletes lifts the bar by pulling the weight back from the mid shin towards the heels to load the hamstrings. back angle remains constant and shoulders and hips rise at the same time.
Low Hang = below the knee – athlete continues to pull the knees back and rise at the same rate until the low hang position is achieved. Here the hamstrings are more loaded, the shoulder remains in front of the bar and back angle remains the same.
Mid Hang = above the knee – The hamstrings are now fully loaded. From here the athlete can begin to scoop under the bar pick up speed and aggressively initiate the 2nd pull. If the all positions are hit correctly and contact is made lower than the hip the 2nd pull may be initiated to early.
High Hang = Pockets – When performing lifts from this position, the torso should remain vertical in the dip portion.
2 Position Snatch
– Mid Hang
Power Snatches (95,65)
Double Unders x5 or 100m Run
ADV (115,75)
Level 2 (80,45)
Level 1 (65,35)
Conditioning Class: WOD
Assault Bike Tosh
3 Rounds
Bike .25 mile
Bike .5 mile
Bike .75 mile
Rest 1:1
Conditioning Class: Core
Double Alternating Tabata
1. L-Sit Hold
2. AbMat Sit ups