Game Planning a WOD


Benchmark Day/Retetsting Open WOD Day has been changed to Fridays going forward.

Game Planning a WOD

With The Crossfit Open just around the corner use classes as an opportunity to Game Plan your workout. Every workout is an opportunity to get better so check out these tips below and try to apply it to your workouts moving forward!

Time 1 round – If a workout includes 5 rounds, glance at the clock to see how long the first round took. Multiply by 5 and thats the time to shoot for. Naturally you may slow down a bit but it provides a gauge of how hard to push later in the workout.

Sets within sets – for instance if a workout includes 3 rounds of 15 deadlifts think about how you want to approach each set. Able to hammer out 15 in a row? Break it up to 10-5? 3 sets of 5 reps? 8 and 7? This takes experience and sometimes the plan goes awry but having a plan pays off more often than not.

Strengths & weaknesses – Focus on every single rep, not your time when dealing with a weakness. Make up the time on your strength.

Write down results – Can’t stress this enough. Having detailed comments regarding each workout will allow you to maximize the game plan for similar workouts in the future as well as compare to the past.

These are just a few tricks that can be used to become better athletes. We know you have the braun…what about the brain??

Obliques and Booty
:30 seconds each exercise
3 Rounds
1. Side plank raises w leg raise (left side)
2. Side plank Raises w leg raise (right side)
3. Russian Twists w KB
4. Weighted bridges w KB

4 Rounds
In 2 Minutes Complete
20/15 Push-ups
Then AMRAP Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
Rest 1 Minute
In 2 Minutes Complete
20 Sit-ups
Then AMRAP Wallballs
Rest 1 Minute

Level 2- (1.5,1)
Level 1- (1,0.75)

Conditioning Class: WOD
2 Rounds
In 3 minutes, complete:
400m Ski Erg
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 1 minute

In 3 minutes, complete:
100 Double Unders
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 1 minute

In 3 minutes, complete:
25/20 calories on Assault Bike
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 1 minute

Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
5 Barbell Roll-Outs
10 Barbell Windshield Wipers
15 Good Mornings