Gear for Grunts: A Success

Happy Holidays CrossFit Southie – I hope all enjoyed our present to you in the form of the “12 Days of CF Southie” WOD!

I know with 100% certainty the Marines receiving your donations from our Gear for Grunts drive will be ecstatic when all the gear reaches them. As of right now, all of your donations are on their way over to Afghanistan to three infantry platoons of Marines who will be grateful for your generosity. Each platoon will receive approximately 100lbs of gear in the form of hand warmers, batteries, baby wipes, magazines, dip (yes, the tobacco dip), coffee, beef jerky, socks, and numerous other snacks; all critical items for mission accomplishment and troop welfare. When we were finished packing up the boxes at the post office, there were two huge packages for each platoon. Needless to say, your generosity over the past few weeks has been humbling to witness and on behalf of all of the staff at CrossFit Southie, I would like to offer a heartfelt thank you. Personally, this means a lot as three of my closest friends and their Marines will be the direct beneficiaries of your kindness. I seriously cannot thank all of you enough for making this drive an overwhelming success.

Happy Holidays and Semper Fidelis

Skin the Cats/ Ball ups/Levers/ Double unders

20 Front Squat (165/110)
40 TTB
60 Swings (2/1.5)
80 double unders

L3 (155/105)
L2 (135/95) (1.5/1)
L1 (95/65) (1/.5

These front squats should be heavy.  Pick a weight were you can get more than four but no more than 10.  For the T2B, fight for every rep.  Toes must touch the bar.  For scaling the T2B, pick a challenging scale (knees2elbows, knees2Armpits, knees2chest)  No kipping will be allowed on knees to armpits and knees and to chest.