SEMPER FI FUND – Give Me 10 Challenge Tonight!
At the end of the 6pm class and the beginning of the 7pm class, we will be performing 10 push ups as a group to be filmed for the Semper Fi Fund. Our very own Debb Kerr is heading the fund raising efforts and will donate $10 for each CFS member that participates. If you would also like to make a donation please read below..
The organization is the Semper Fi Fund (SFF) and the partner organization is America’s Fund (AF). The challenge is the “give me 10” and people are filmed doing push-ups and donating $10. Most of the participants have been veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, so far, but others are starting to join in now too:
Here is the SFF regular FB page :
And here is the organization’s website:
Here’s more background:
The organization gives immediate and lifelong assistance to injured post 9/11 veterans. It starts bedside in Germany, and lasts forever. We provide everything from cash to vehicle and home modifications, specialized equipment, tutoring for distressed children of vets, salary replacement, etc. After the bombings here in Boston the SFF sent mentors to meet the victims in the hospitals. They figured that they know better than anyone else how if feels to be the victim of and IED explosion. This is the only time that SFF has ever provided services to civilians. For the Boston bombing victims SFF and AF have provided mentoring, cash grants, wheelchairs, a beach wheelchair, ride on mower, tutoring and more. We even brought a bunch down to DC to enjoy the Marine Corps Marathon this fall, although none ran it this year. Healing through sports is a huge push of the SFF. Most of the injured guys were young and incredibly fit when injured, so it’s great that they don’t have to give this part of their lives up. They compete in wounded warrior stuff all over the country. And lastly, SFF is one of the only military charities that consistently gets an A+ rating from all of those charity watch websites.
Rope Climb
One Time Through
Run 1 mile
80 Double Unders
60 Wallballs
40 Toes to Bar
20 Pistols
5 Rope Climbs
Level 2- (2 rope climbs)
Level 1- (6 Pull to stand), 1000m row or 800m run
ADV – Legless Rope Climbs
Conditioning Class: WOD
Calories on Airdyne
Conditioning Class: Core
3 x 10-15 GHD sit ups
3 x 5 Glute Ham Raises
*Scale reps/rounds as necessary