Just a reminder that all regularly scheduled classes have been cancelled for today. The In-House Throwdown kicks off at 9AM, and should wrap up around 2PM, followed by a barbecue and some fun games. We hope you can all come by to check out the event, cheer on the competitors, and stick around for some fun after!
Parking will be tight, so we encourage everyone coming today to carpool or walk if possible. Parking will be available in the CFS Lot, the Hilti Lot, against the fence by the running path, and on the street. Please do not block any entrances or garage doors, or the running path. There is absolutely no parking in the BCBS lot – you will get towed!
Event 1: Intro WOD
7 Minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters (95, 65#)
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps (24, 20″)
Scaled Division: 65, 35#; Step ups allowed
Event 2: Pullin’ Power (14 min cap)
25 Pullups
400m Run
25 Power Snatches (115, 75#)
400m Run
25 Pullups
Scaled Division: 75, 45#; Blue band pullups
Event 3: Hulk Salad
8 Minutes to Establish Max Weight:
2 Power Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder to Overhead
*Hands must stay on the bar the entire time
Event 4: The Sprint (7 min cap)
30 Wallball (20/14#)
30/20 Toes to Bar
500m Row
Scaled Division: 14/10#; AbMat Situps