With the nicer weather finally upon us, we’ll be opening the garage doors a lot more often to allow for running and to let in some fresh air and sunshine. Going forward, please use the new shelving units by the ramp in the Toaster to store your gym bags and jackets during class so we can keep the garage entrance clear. Thank you!
150m Row
10 Perfect Push-ups
Shoulder Band Stretching
10 Barbell Split Jerks
10 Barbell Push-jerks
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk
@ 80% of Push-jerk
Back Squat
3-3-3-3 Straight Sets
5 Rounds
Every 3 Minutes Complete
20/17 Calorie Row
10 BoxJumps (30,24)
10 Handstand Push-ups
Scale Reps as Needed BEFORE the workout begins