Don’t miss out on the CrossFit Regional Competition this weekend. We are fortunate to have the event this close to home, some gyms drive over 5 hours to come spectate. To purchase tickets please click here.
Warm Up
400m run with a kettlebell (1.5/1) – must hold in the front of the chest
Handstand holds
Handstand push-ups
Handstand walks
6 minute AMRAP
3 Deadlifts
5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Games (315, 205); parallettes to an abmat
Regional (275,185); 3inch deficit (45lb AF plates to the floor or 2 sets to an abmat)
Open (225,155); no deficit
Rest 8 minutes
One time through
25 Kettlebell swings (2,1.5) 25 Toes to bar
20 KB Swings
20 Toes to bar
15 kb swings
15 Toes to Bar Sprint 400 meters