*Thanksgiving Day WOD*
Typically we love visitors, but we do need to make sure that we have appropriate numbers for the workout and have enough squares for everyone. If a family member wants to come with you please have them pay for a drop-in online and register for the class. If you want us to do it on our end please send an email to [email protected]. If a non-member shows up on Thanksgiving morning with no registration for open gym or the class, they will not be able to participate.
Turkey Day Schedule – Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble……
Monday– Normal Hours
Tuesday– Normal Hours
Wednesday– Normal AM Schedule (5,6,7,8,11) PM schedule 12,3,4,5pm *close at 6pm*
Thursday– ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY WOD- 8am and 9am** Non-coached WOD 7am with Goose
Friday– 9,10,11,12pm (open gym 9-1)
Saturday– 7,8,9,10,11,12pm *close at 1pm*
Sunday– Normal Schedule
Outdoors Primarily
6:00 EMOM
-15/12 Calorie Row
-5 Inchworms with Hip Stretch
-20 Single Leg V-Ups
3 Rounds
-5 Is Ys Ts Ws standing with Change Plates
-5 Prone Swimmers
2 Rounds
6 Minute AMRAP
15|12 Calorie Row
6 Front Squats 135|95
4 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Minutes Rest
6 Minute AMRAP
200m Run
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
2 Minutes Rest
Level 2- 115|80
Level 1- 95|55
ADV – 155|105, Clap Push Ups & V-Ups
Extra Work
Building to a Max Weight for the Complex
2 Power Clean
2 Front Squats
2 Jerks