Team Wednesday – CompetitorWOD

Nice Lettuce Goose!

Partner Up
A: 15/12 Calorie Bike
B: Max Quality L Pull Ups
A: 15/12 Calorie Bike
B: Max SA DB Snatches

Warm Up Squat Clean & Split Jerk

Partner Strength
Minutes 0-5
Clean and Jerk (Doubles) @80% of Max. Resting 1:1 with your partner 1=2 Reps
Minutes 5-7 Rest
Minutes 7-10 Clean and Jerk (Doubles)@85%
Resting 1:1 with your partner
Minutes 10-12 Rest
Minutes 12-15 Clean and Jerk @90% of Max. Resting 1:1 with your partner

Report Reps and weights for all 3 segments

Partner WOD
100/80 calorie Bike
50 Muscle-ups
-Partner A must be riding the bike, while Partner B is accumulating as many muscle-ups as possible. If one is finished before the other the partner can rest.

Once complete as a team:
60 DB Clusters (50,35) (with push-up)
60 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
60 DB Snatches (alternating arms
60 Handstand Push-ups