Warm Up
Partner Up!
P1 – 12/10 Calorie Row
P2 – Air Squat w/ Heels elevated on large Plate
P1 – 10 Burpees over the rower
P2 – Front Squat With Plate and Calf Smash*
*At the bottom of your squat hold the plate in close and lean your weight on one knee with your elbow until you feel a stretch in your calf. Alternate :10 on each side back and forth
Partner WOD
At 0:00
“Team Fran”
In teams of 2 for time:
100 Thrusters 95|65
100 Pull Ups
*must complete all thrusters before going onto pull ups. Only 1 person working at a time.
At 15:00
14 Rounds (7 Each)
12|10 Calorie Row
6 Burpees Over the Rower
30 Double Unders
Scale to a level that allows you to complete Fran under 12 minutes
Level 2- 75|50
Level 1- 65|35, 60 Pull-ups
ADV- Heavy Fran 135|95
40 Pull-ups, 40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 20 Muscle-ups, Drag|Heavy Rope
*Run Sub 200m
Extra Work
3 rounds
21 GHD
15 Deficit HSPUs 4|3”
9 SandBag Over Shoulder 140|90
-Rest 2 Minutes-
ADV – 200|150
Coaches Note – HSPUs should be no more than 2 sets – scale the #, to regular HSPUs, Seated DB V-Press or Pike Push Ups