Team Building Exercise


Nutrition Challenge Lecture TODAY at 11AM!
Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to jumpstart your nutrition goals before summer is in full swing? Look no further! We are excited to launch a new nutrition challenge beginning on Tuesday, May 28th (after MDW!), through June 25th (before July 4th festivities!). Join us TODAY for an informational lecture with Coach Michelle. We will meet in the back room of Southie Green at 11AM.

Can’t make the lecture but still want to participate? No worries! Click HERE to read the rules of this challenge! Shoot us an email if you have any questions.

If you are interested in participating, please click HERE.

Other Important Dates:
Week of May 19th: Weigh-ins & Benchmark Workouts
Tuesday, May 28th: Challenge Begins!
Week of June 23rd: Weigh-ins & Benchmark Workouts Retest
Tuesday, June 25th: Challenge Ends!

Partner Up!
Run 1 Loop as a Team
P1- 20 Lateral Up & Overs
P2- Strict Pull Ups or Negatives
P1- 20/15 Cal Row
P2- Inchworms w/ Push Up

3 Rounds
20 Hollow Rocks
40 Bicycle Abs
20 Sit-ups

Partner WOD
800m Run as a Team
70 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
80 Box Jumps Overs
90 Shoulder to Overhead (115,75)
100 Calories on the Rower
800m Run as a Team

Level 2 – -10 Reps
Level 1 -20 Reps, 400m Run, (75,45)

Extra Work
100′ Sled Push (3/2)
21 Toes To Bar
150′ Sled Push
15 Toes To Bar
200′ Sled Push
9 Toes To Bar