Due to the simplicity of the first two Open Wods we were able to wing the heats during the Sunday retests. Due to the more complex nature of this WOD, we are going to make official heats, as we did with all the Open WODs last year, to ensure everything runs smoothly. Please post to comments here, before Friday at 1PM, if you will be participating on Sunday. We will post the heats on Saturday. Also, due to the long duration of the WOD, we ask that everyone does their best to make it in Sunday or Thursday to complete the WOD. Thank you!
Front Squat
Tabata Mash-up (20s work:10s restx8)
1. C2B pull-ups
2. Sit-ups
3. Push-ups
No rest between the different movements. Your score is your lowest number of reps during the 8 work intervals for each individual movement.