Tabata Mash

Bob = Full Beast Mode
Bob = Full Beast Mode
Coach Dedonno teaching the back squat
Coach DeDonno teaching the back squat

Double Pic Day…sick!

Tomorrow we are doing the “Marathon Monday” WOD. Please remember to DONATE to help a family in need. Classes will be held at normal class times. Members from other boxes are welcome. You can come an extra day, if you have already used your 2 or 3 sessions. Please donate, not just with $$, but also with your sweat and burpees.

Also, there is a CFS climbing clinic tomorrow. If you would still like to sign up please email Daniel: It is tomorrow, Saturday (4/20) from 10am-2pm. It is a rare opportunity to have a free clinic of this kind with such an experienced teacher, so take advantage.

Here are some words from Daniel:

Right now, the weather forecast for Saturday is “AM Showers”, so we’re going to go ahead with the clinic on Saturday. The rock at Quincy Quarries dries quickly, but the ground will be muddy and damp, so be prepared. You should also bring a good jacket or layers, as the temperature at Quincy Quarries varies, so while you may be comfortable when running or climbing, you’ll get cold quickly if you’re standing and belaying.

I will be providing all climbing equipment – harnesses and belay devices. The routes we’ll be climbing won’t require special shoes; the ones you wear during WODs will be fine.

We’ll get started at 10am going over equipment, terminology and knots. I will  be staying until the evening, so you’re welcome to climb as long as you want.

What to Bring

– Yourself
– Lunch
– Water
– Closed-toed Athletic Shoes (No sandals or five-fingers)
– A jacket or layers


By car: Southeast of Boston, go on Route 3/I-93 South or the Southeast Expressway to exit 8 and the Furnace Brook Parkway, go Southeast on Williard, head West immediately along Riccuti Drive. Park.


Quincy Quarries

Low bar Back Squat

Tabata Mash
1. Wallballs (20,14)
2. Toes to bar
3. Push-ups
4. Sit-ups

Rest 1 minute between movements.

Your score is the sum of the lowest round from each tabata.