AT HOME FITNESS – Live coached WODs on Zoom at 12pm & 530pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—->
Tabata Jumping Jacks, alternating with:
Air Squat
Russian Swings
Tabata Interval = 8 Rounds of 20s work:10s Rest
Anterior/Posterior Shoulder
*Coaches after the warm-up take the athletes through the L-sit progressions found in the video below. 5-10 reps of each, before starting the tabata
Alternating Tabata
Plank Hold
* Use two chairs or try one of the progressions in the video
Equipped WOD (25 mins)
“Tabata This”
Tabata Row
Tabata Squat
Tabata Pull-up
Tabata Push-up
Tabata Sit-up
Rest 1 Minute Between Each Tabata
Tabata Interval= 20s work:10s Rest 8x Through
Your Score is the sum of the lowest round of each tabata. write out the breakdown in the notes.
At Home Version
Tabata 25ft Shuttle sprint
Tabata Air Squat
Tabata Kettlebell Swings
Tabata Push-up
Tabata Sit-up
Rest 1 Minute Between Each Tabata
Tabata Interval= 20s work:10s Rest 8x Through
Your Score is the sum of the lowest round of each tabata. write out the breakdown in the notes.
Extra Work
3 Rounds of
Run 400m (1 Min out, 1 Min in)
100 Double Unders
ADV – 150 Double Unders