The PR bell just keeps on ringing! Every time you show up to the gym and give 100%, you are working toward your next PR or big accomplishment… so when you hit that PR, props are deserved! Check out these recent achievements from some of our members. Congrats on all of your hard work! Did we leave out your latest PR? Let us know in the comments!
1st Ring Muscle Up
Mike B.
Mike S.
1st Bar Muscle Up
1st Rope Climb
Shelby M.
Clean & Jerk
Ribero 255
McGuire 265
Crowley 265
Tom K 205
Marc 240
Rafi 165
Mike 155
Ben 235
Tamara 93
Ben 200
Gary 215
Bolton 135
Kari 110
Eileen 62
Mary Chris 62
Brad 205
Colvin 230
Shelby 135
Brenton 225
Evan 245
Bill 215
Josh 180
Hyatt 255
Jess 55
Allie 50
2RM Front Squat
JBo 235
Deverna 235
Ant 245
Shane 245
Shelby 140
Ribero 245
2RM Deadlift
Dan 275
Katie V 165
Cindy 165
Caitlin 200
Jenny 200
Shelby 185
Mary Chris 147
Eileen 147
Gambee 435
Turkish Get-up
-10 on each side
Tabata Action
20s work:10s rest-8 cycles
1. Row
2. Wallballs
3. Push-ups
4. Double Unders
5. Sit-ups
*1 minute rest between rounds to transition
* Your score= the sum of the lowest number of reps for any round for each movement. 2 double unders=1 point. 4 singles=1 point.