Due to the Endurance Cert, we will only be running one box this weekend. Yoga has been moved to 1pm on Sunday in Southie Green and there will be no Open Gym at 8am or from 1-3 pm on Sunday. Saturday classes will only be held in Southie Green. Classes will be held at 8am,9am,10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm on Saturday and Open gym will only be permitted from 12-2pm.
Midline Madness
3 Rounds
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Supermans
Rest 1 minute
2 Rounds
10 Side plank raises each side
10 Barbell Rollouts
Partner WOD
Row 1000m (500m each)
Row 1000m (Switching at 250m)
Then 5 Rounds each
10 Back Squats (155,105)
10 Toes to Bar
Row 1000m (Switching at 250m)
Row 1000m (500m each)
L3- 135/95
L2- 115/75
L1- 95/65
Buy In/Ca$h Out Stretch