Pop Up Class at 11am AND 12:15pm today. Check out our class schedule for all upcoming times.
6:00 AMRAP
-30 Toe Taps on top of KB or Small Step
-20 Bandy Pull-Aparts*
-10 Uneven Push-Ups
-5 Prone Swimmers
*If no band perform Scap Push Ups instead
- Bench Press- 5 Reps*
- Bent-Over Row- 5 Reps
- Plank Drags- 10 Reps
-if only lighter weight, make it more challenging by performing 8-10 reps.
*no bench? Use a med ball for upper back support or perform a floor press.
Kettlebell Swings** 2|1.5
Double Unders x 2
Level 2 – 1.5|1, Double Unders x1
Level 1 – 1|0.75, Singles x 3 (90,60,30,60,90), ½ push ups or bench/box dips
**Barbell Sub – 75|55 Snatch or Plate Ground to Overehead
At Home Strength
- SA Floor Press- 5 Reps Each Side
- SA Bent-Over Row- 5 Reps Each Side
- Plank Drags- 10 Reps with heavy object
At Home WOD
Object Swings* 2|1.5
Double Unders x2
Level 2 – 1.5|1
Level 1 – 1|0.75Singles x 3 (90,60,30,60,90), ½ push ups or bench/box dips
*Sub Plate Ground to Overhead
Extra Work
Running Tosh
3 Rounds
600m rest 1:1
400m rest 1:1
200m rest 1:1
Row Sub = 750-500-250
Bike Sub = 1 Mile, .7 Miles, .4 Miles
Jump Rope Sub = 150, 100, 50 Double Unders