No AM or PM classes will be held in Orange today. Green classes will be held at 6,7,9,11am, 12, 4, 5 & 6pm. There will be no 7pm class. Green will open at 530am for those working that want to get in early and get something in.
If you are going to cheat on Paleo this Thanksgiving, at least cheat like a champ. At Sunday yoga, Tamara will be raffling off a $50 GIFT-CARD TO PICCO (http://www.piccorestaurant.
Strict press
10 Hang Power Snatches (135,95)
400m Run
8 Hang Power Snatches
300m Run
6 Hang Power Snatches
200m Run
4 Hang Power Snatches
100m run
Level 3- (115,75)
Level 2 -(95,65)
Level 1 – (75,45)
100 bicycle abs
50 Hollow Rocks
25 Jack Knives