First Sunday Back

Warm Up
In 2 Minute Complete
250m Row then AMRAP Inchworms
Rest 30s

In 2 Minute Complete
250m Row then AMRAP Russian Swings
Rest 30s

In 2 Minute Complete
250m Row then AMRAP Jump Rope
Rest 30s

2 Rounds
1 Minute Work: 15 Seconds Rest Then Rotate

all using mini bands

1. Monster Walk (from front to back of your mat. Facing front the whole time)
2. Weighted Glute bridge (with band around the knees, use KB for extra loading)
3. Bicycle Abs with band around feet
4. Side Plank Walks (right to left of the mat)
5. Banded Arnold Press

3 Rounds
500m Row
50 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5

Level 2- 1.5,1, 25 Double Unders
Level 1- 1,0.75, 100 single unders
ADV – 100 Double Unders