Outdoor Fitness at CFS – Register through the ZenPlanner App. Zoom WOD @ 12pm and 5pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—-> https://zoom.us/j/491227192
We are suspending Thursday-Sunday Zoom WODs moving forward. We plan to continuing to running Zoom classes Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday at Noon & 5pm.
Warm- Up
Run 800m
1 minute of each
Bandy Strict press
Banded Lateral Walk*
Band Pull Aparts
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
*arms overhead where possible
Odd- Banded Good Mornings
Even- Monster Walk*
*Front to Back of Mat Facing Forward the Entire Time
Banded Romanian Deadlift
5 Reps
3 Rounds
In 7 Minutes Complete
800m Run
In the Remaining Time AMRAP
12 Deadlifts
9 Shoulder to Overhead 135|95
Rest 2 Minutes
Level 3- 115|75
Level 2- 95|55
Level 1- 65|35
ADV – 155|105
*3 Seperate Scores
800m run = 2 minutes out and 2 minutes in. Sub 1000m Row, 1.5 mile bike
Extra Work
5 Rounds
In 2 mins
Bike 15\12 Cals*
Rest 1 minute
Bike sub = 200m Run, 250m Row, 100 double Unders, 1 minute of mountain climbers, lateral plate hops, jumping jacks or burps.