Straight YOKED UP

Go hard
Go hard

Mess around with Yoke and Stones

Speed Strength
1. Close Grip Bench Press 12×3 @ 50% of 1rm with bands or chains – athletes choice

2. Power Clean – 4-3-2-3-4

3. 15 minutes to work up to a 25 meter Max Yoke Carry

3 rounds for time of
8 Stone to Shoulder (150/80)
100ft stone carry
7 Deficit Hand Stand Push Ups
100ft stone carry

Games (150/80); paralettes to an abmat
Regional (130/70); paralettes to an abmat
Open (110/60); 3inch deficit – plates to the floor

So we can get everyone through due to lots of you and limited amounts of stones and yokes, we are going to have peeps start on the power clean, some on the yoke carry and some on the WOD and then rotate through.