Little Warrior Wod This Saturday – CFS

# TBT – Coach Cunningham and Coach Shamon Fork Lift MUPs

Join us this Saturday for The Little Warrior Wod!

The Little Warrior WOD Foundation was created by our very own member, Chad Verry, to help fund the research and development to aid in the fight against childhood cancer. We will be running the WOD during all classes this Saturday February 4th, and Chad will be here collecting donations from 8AM – 12pm. All are welcome! Prizes will be awarded to the best male and female scores for the day.

Donations are not required, but those that are made for $40.00+ will receive your choice of a Little Warrior WOD T-shirt, tank top or snapback hat. If you would like to make a donation through an online store purchase please visit The LWW Facebook page here. All funds collected directly benefit the Little Warrior Foundation.

Classes will be held as All Levels at 8,9,10 & 11am and 2pm.  There will be no Classes in Southie Orange

This WOD is for the brave little children who are affected by cancer. This WOD, everyone comes out a winner. How big is your brave…

Thoracic Extension
Ankle ROM

1000m Row
20 Overhead Squats (115,75)
30 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
20 Burpee Box Jumps
1000m Row
20 Burpee Box Jumps
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Overhead Squats
1000m Row

Level 2- (95,55), (1.5,1); 750m
Level 1- (75,35), (1,0.75),500m Row; 10 burpee box jumps