June 17th,18th, and 19th are the CrossFit Northeast Regionals at the Reebok headquarters in Canton, Ma We would really love to have your support! We realize that most of you will be working on Friday, but it would be great to get a big group there to support us on Saturday. Reebok is only 20 minutes from Southie, so chances are we will have an 8am and 9am class Saturday morning, that way all the coaches and members will have the opportunity to be present. I am unsure of the order of the events and the start time, but I will post more information as soon as I know. Goose, Pat P, and Peter will be competing as individuals, and Big Crusty Urso, Maze, Alec, Melissa, Ali (yes, she is flying back!), and myself are competitng in the team competition.
This event is going to be huge. It is a great opportunity for all of you to see the partnership between Reebok and CrossFit, and CrossFit’s growth as a sport. We hope you can make it!
Squat Clean Thruster
Start at a weight that you can manage and increase by 5-10lbs until you reach your max. You can not redip (aka jerk) or move your feet. This must be a true thruster.
5 Rounds
200m Run
5 Squat Cleans
5 Shoulder to Overhead
The weight in the workout should be approximately 75% of what you could do for the squat clean thruster. The level weights listed below are an approximation. Feel free to scale up or down as necessary.
Level 3 (135, 95)
Level 2 (115,65)
Level 1 (75, 45)
ADV (165,110)